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We're committed to working together to deliver for Mount Isa across our four priority areas:

  • Strengthening the economy

  • Enhancing our lifestyle

  • Addressing crime

  • Bringing responsible leadership to Council


Our policies below demonstrate how we'll achieve this for the community.

Mount Isa Multisports Precinct


It’s time for Mount Isa families to have access to world-class sporting facilities! We will make it a priority to seek funding for a major multisports precinct that gives our local teams better facilities, allows us to attract sports carnivals, and helps local achieve long-term financial sustainability.


Our local sports clubs are at the heart of our community. Maintaining numerous facilities, office spaces, and clubhouses across every team and sport has put a strain on many clubs that makes it difficult to maintain each facility, is burning out volunteers, and will put some clubs at risk of closure in the future. It’s time for a community-led solution.


We’ll prioritise the Multisports Precinct to seek government funding that will sustain our clubs into the future and bring the best facilities to Mount Isa.


Addressing crime through Community Service Sentencing

It's time we felt safe in our community again. We believe that reducing crime starts with ensuring there are consequences for actions. That's why we'll organise for Community Service Sentencing in Mount Isa - making juvenile offenders give back to their community. 


From cleaning up the city to removing graffiti, we'll make offenders contribute to our community while facing punishment for their actions. 


City Clean-up Crew

Mount Isa needs to be cleaned and revitalised. That's why we'll introduce dedicated location-based Clean-up Crews to give residents a city we can be proud of. 


The feedback from the community has been loud and clear - too much litter, public areas are overgrown, and facilities aren't looked after. Location-based teams will make sure there's clear responsibility and issues can be addressed faster. We'll also be rolling out technology to streamline the way residents report issues and allow Council to respond faster and we'll explore opportunities to work with community groups and businesses to keep all aspects of our city clean.


Team MacRae is committed to a cleaner, revitalised Mount Isa that families are proud to be a part of.


Mount Isa Investment Office


Team MacRae will help strengthen our region’s economy and create opportunities for locals by launching the Mount Isa Investment Office, which will:

-       Prioritise and promote local project and investment opportunities

-       Streamline Council processes for those wanting to open a business and invest locally

-       Help businesses and investors navigate complex red tape


Last year’s Glencore announcement was devastating for many local families. There are many exciting major developments planned for our region that will create new opportunities. We need to get them moving to see more local jobs created sooner. We also need to support small businesses, who employ, invest, and give back to our local community.  


Our Investment Office will work proactively to attract job-creating investment to Mount Isa


The ISA Hub - Integrity, Service, Accountability


We're committed to bringing responsible leadership to Council and making sure that Council is focussed on delivering for you. That's why a Team MacRae Council will roll out the ISA Hub - an online data portal that will give residents access to the spending and activities of Council. 


Opening up Council information in an easily accessible way will transform Council accountability. Based on initiatives successfully implemented at other Councils, the ISA Hub will be able to feature a range of critical data to keep Council accountable to the community, from finance information to project updates and service delivery. 


We believe that accountability to the community is essential to make sure your Council is delivering for you. That's what we'll achieve with the ISA Hub.


Project Management Office

We'll be a Council of action, not just talk. To prioritise delivering for the community, Team MacRae will introduce a Project Management Office to Council if elected. 


In recent years we've seen cost blowouts and project delays, wasting ratepayers' money and failing to deliver for the community. A Project Management Office will oversee Council projects, creating a central point of coordination to ensure all departments of Council work together efficiently and bring accountability to project delivery. 


Combined with our commitment for the ISA Hub - to bring transparency to Council - the Project Management Office will deliver better outcomes for the community.

We'll be announcing further policies throughout the campaign

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